
Manual Installation Steps

You will need a Linux system (CentOS 7 is recommended) to run ElikoPy and all its dependencies natively using a manual installation. Doing a manual installation is not recommended if you have only a limited knownledge in computer science.

Installation of the dependencies

You must first install dependency to your system. Some dependencies are optionnal while other are mandatory.

FSL installation (mandatory)

FSL is a mandatory comprehensive library dependency used among other steps for the preprocessing of diffusion images. FSL is available ready to run on the official FSL installation page.

FreeSurfer installation (optionnal)

FreeSurfer is a software package for the analysis and visualization of structural and functional neuroimaging data from cross-sectional or longitudinal studies. This software is mandatory when correcting from susceptibility distortion using T1 structural images in the preprocessing. To install it, visit the FreeSurfer Downloads page and pick a package archive suitable to the environment you are in.

ANTs installation (optionnal)

ANTs computes high-dimensional mappings to capture the statistics of brain structure and function. This software is mandatory when correcting from susceptibility distortion using T1 structural images in the preprocessing. ANTs can be compiled from source or installed via pre-built package using their Github page.

C3D installation (optionnal)

C3D is a command-line tool for converting 3D images between common file formats. The tool also includes a growing list of commands for image manipulation, such as thresholding and resampling. This software is mandatory when correcting from susceptibility distortion using T1 structural images in the preprocessing. A precompiled version of C3D is availabe on Sourceforge.

DIAMOND installation (optionnal)

Unfortunatly, the DIAMOND code is not publically available. If you do not have it in your possesion, you will not be able to use this algorithm. If you have it, simply add the executable to your path.

Installation of ElikoPy

ElikoPy requires Python v3.7+ to run.To install it, first download a copy or clone the ElikoPy repository.

git clone

After cloning the repo, you can either firstly install all the python dependencies including optionnal dependency used to speed up the code.

pip install -r requirements.txt --user

Or you can install directly the library with only the mandatory dependencies (if you performed the previous step, you still need to perform this step).

python3 install --user


When using ElikoPy, do not forget to reference it among all of the used dependencies.

Container Installation Steps

To ease the installation of ElikoPy, a Singularity container is provided in the ElikoPy repository. To learn more about Singularity, you can visit their official website.

git clone
cd /path/to/repo
sudo singularity build /path/to/elikopy.sif Singularity_elikopy

After building the container, ElikoPy can be run using the following command:

singularity run -e --contain
-B /path/to/study/directory/:/PROJECTS
-B /tmp:/tmp
-B /path/to/freesurfer/license.txt:/Software/freesurfer/license.txt
-B /path/to/cuda:/usr/local/cuda

The file contains the Python code that will be executed inside the container. The path to the root directory in your python code must always be “/PROJECTS/” due to the folder binding.


Binding the freesurfer license is optional and is only needed for Synb0-DisCo.


Binding the cuda path is optional and is only needed to speed-up Synb0-DisCo or perform inter slice motion correction with Eddy FSL.

Using ElikoPy on the CECI Cluster

UCLouvain student who wish to use ElikoPy on the CECI cluster can use the existing installation present in the pilab project directory. First, the following line needs to be added to our .bash_profile.

source /CECI/proj/pilab/Software/config_elikopy.bash

Then, execute the following line of code to install ElikoPy:

source /CECI/proj/pilab/Software/install_elikopy.bash

If you wish to update your ElikoPy installation, you just need to execute again the preceding line of code.

Authorized user can update the local ElikoPy repository present in the PiLab directory using the following script. The local repository is update using the master branch of the remote Github repository.

source /CECI/proj/pilab/Software/update_elikopy.bash

These steps should be sufficient for the lemaitre3 and manneback clusters. When using other clusters, some additional modules may need to be loaded (see the related CECI documentation for more information ). We also strongly recommend you to familiarize yourself with slurm job when using ElikoPy on the CECI cluster.